Dial 911. Seek emergency care immediately. Upon recovery, you or a loved one can complete the steps necessary to submit related medical expenses to Share HealthCare.
In a non-emergency situation, you can choose to go to literally any licensed medical professional in the world, but it might make the sharing process simpler and more affordable if you browse through Share HealthCare’s Provider List to find medical providers with a history of working with Share HealthCare. Shop by procedure, facility, or provider to find the care you need at a price you can afford. If time permits, submit a pre-notification through the Share HealthCare Member Dashboard.
If you sustain an injury that is not judged to be an emergency by normal standards of medical care, but requires immediate care, consider an urgent care facility. Urgent care centers typically have shorter wait times and lower prices than the Emergency Room. Please remember that Emergency Room charges for non-emergency treatments are not qualified for sharing, according to the Member Handbook.
Present your Member ID card to your doctor. Your ID card has all the information your doctor will need, including our billing information. There is also contact information for your provider if they have any questions.
Tell your healthcare provider that as a healthcare sharing member, you are a self-pay patient.
Request a self-pay discount. Healthcare providers will often extend self-pay patients the same discount that insurance companies receive because it expedites the payment process and reduces the amount of paperwork. A typical discount is approximately 40%.
Request an Itemized Bill:
An Itemized Bill contains - Patient’s Name, Date of Service, Location of Service, CPT codes for all services rendered, Itemized list of expenses.
If you are offered a discount of significantly less than 40 percent, contact a Share HealthCare Member Services Representative before accepting a discount or making a payment. We advocate on your behalf to secure the lowest price possible.
If you are denied a Self-Pay discount, please use your card and direct the Provider to bill Share HealthCare via the PayerID for Electronic Claims Submissions or the P.O. Box for Paper Claim Submissions.
Apply for financial assistance, if you qualify. There are many sources of financial assistance available specifically for medical services.
Ask your provider to bill you directly and establish a payment plan. Set up monthly payments to your provider until your bills are processed for sharing. Once Share HealthCare members begin meeting your needs, those voluntary contributions reimburse your direct payments to the provider.
Submit Itemized Bill to Share HealthCare via the Member Portal.
Seek medical care as soon as you know you’re pregnant.
Request a Written Pre-Payment Agreement from your maternity provider.
Submit Pre-Payment Agreement to Share HealthCare
Additional procedures (testing, lab work, etc.) should be submitted as an add-on to the initial agreement amount.
Please consult the Share HealthCare Member Handbook for additional maternity information.
Please refer to the Share HealthCare Handbook for a complete list of expenses qualified or not qualified for sharing.
246 E. Davis St,
Suite 200 Culpeper,
VA 22701
About The Ministry
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Share HealthCare
246 E. Davis St,
Suite 200 Culpeper,
VA 22701
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