Program Details

Program Details

"So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7

Introducing “Choose How You Share” Membership Levels!


“Choose How You Share” Membership Levels!

At Share HealthCare, we believe you should have choice when it comes to your healthcare. We understand that each member's situation is different, so we allow members to choose between three sharing levels and PEPE amounts - These are the amounts you pay on your own, on a per event basis, before remaining eligible medical expenses can be shared.




Per Month

$1000 PEPE



Per Month

$1000 PEPE



Per Month

$1000 PEPE

*Reflects price for family of four; add $50 per month for each additional member.




Per Month

$500 PEPE



Per Month

$500 PEPE



Per Month

$500 PEPE

*Reflects price for family of four; add $50 per month for each additional member.




Per Month

$300 PEPE



Per Month

$300 PEPE



Per Month

$300 PEPE

*Reflects price for family of four; add $50 per month for each additional member.

NOTE: $120 initial membership dues are paid at time of joining, and annual $120 membership dues are paid each year.

What is Included in the program levels?

Sharing After PEPE is Met

No Annual or Lifetime Sharing Limit

Physician & Hospital Services

Expenses relating to medically necessary physician or hospital visits are eligible for sharing after PEPE or AUA is met

Emergency Medical Care

Medical expenses related to care given at an emergency care facility are eligible for sharing, after PEPE or AUA is met, if deemed to be a medical emergency. If admitted to the hospital on an emergency basis, must submit pre-notification within 48 hours of admission to be eligible.

Ambulance Transportation

Ambulance transportation expenses are eligible for sharing, after PEPE or AUA is met, if deemed to be an emergency. Ambulance transportation for non-emergencies will not be eligible for sharing.

Medical Testing

Medically necessary medical testing performed by a qualified professional will be eligible for sharing and subject to PEPE or AUA.

Medical Imaging

Medically necessary medical imaging performed by a qualified professional will be eligible for sharing and subject to PEPE or AUA.

Urgent Care

Medical expenses related to care given at an urgent care facility are eligible for sharing if deemed to be an urgent medical need. Sharing is subject to PEPE or AUA.

Wellness & Screening Visits

Yearly wellness visits or screenings are eligible for sharing subject to PEPE or AUA.


Medically necessary prescriptions are eligible for sharing after PEPE or AUA is met. Prescriptions which are prescribed for longer than 45 days after the incident must be evaluated Share HealthCare to determine further eligibility.

Home Healthcare

Expenses related to medically necessary home healthcare are eligible for sharing after PEPE or AUA is met.

Physical Therapy

Expenses related to physical therapy that is medically necessary and prescribed by a medical professional are eligible for sharing after PEPE or AUA is met.

Speech Therapy

Expenses related to speech therapy that is medically necessary and prescribed by a medical professional are eligible for sharing after PEPE or AUA is met.

Respiratory Therapy

Expenses related to respiratory therapy that is medically necessary and prescribed by a medical professional are eligible for sharing after PEPE or AUA is met.

Maternity Expenses

Expenses related to labor, delivery and initial, routine hospital expenses for the infant as well as expenses relating to any complications are eligible with NO waiting period or limits. If a member is pregnant within two months of membership beginning, maternity expenses will be shared at up to 50% of the member's share contributions to that point. For example, if the member has paid $2,490 in monthly share amount to that point, up to $1,245 will be eligible to be shared by fellow members. Hospital admissions related to maternity must be reported to Pre-Notification department within 48 hours of admission. Maternity expenses are subject to PEPE or AUA.


Expenses related to vaccinations are eligible for sharing and subject to PEPE. In accordance with CARES Act legislation, COVID-19 vaccinations are administered at no cost to the public. Any fees related to administering the COVID-19 vaccination will be billed to Share HealthCare directly.

Are you ready to put the first true member-to-member direct cost sharing platform to work for you and your family?

Please complete the form below to request more information about Share HealthCare.

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