Select Membership Size - Share HealthCare offers memberships for individuals, couples, and families, so you can choose based on your situation.
Create An Account - Create an account using your email address. This email may be used to communicate important information about your cost-sharing program, so please select an email that you check regularly.
Submit Information - Provide medical information about yourself and any family members joining you in the program and complete a brief medical questionnaire.
Wait For Response - Please allow up to three business days for our member services staff to receive your Sharing Member Information Sheet and contact you to complete your registration.
Enjoy Medical Cost-Sharing– Upon approval, you may now enjoy the benefits of medical cost-sharing. Welcome to Share HealthCare!
Are you ready to put the first true member-to-member direct cost sharing platform to work for you and your family?
Please complete the form below to request more information about Share HealthCare.
I agree to our Privacy Policy . You also agree to Share HealthCare and its associated marketing partners contacting you with offers at the phone number and email you provided, including by email, text message, phone calls, and pre-recorded messages via automated technology.
246 E. Davis St,
Suite 200 Culpeper,
VA 22701
About The Ministry
Contact Information
Share HealthCare
246 E. Davis St,
Suite 200 Culpeper,
VA 22701
© Copyright 2025 | Share HealthCare | All rights reserved.